Uses of vermicompost in organic farming and how to make vermicompost?

Uses of vermicompost :-

Vermicompost is very rich in nitrogen i.e it is about 5 to 10 times more nitrogen content than ordinary soil compost. It is also rich in other nutrients like phosphorus and potash.

Number of microbes in the vermicompost vary in composition and contain many useful microorganisms required for plant growth.

provides nutrients to the soil

It slo has the effect on the soil ability to hold essential plant nutrients for plant growth. It Increases the soil structure which 

helps in increasing the soil porosity and hence soil aeration. 

Increases the water holding ability of sandy soils.

How to make vermicompost :- To make vermiculite you are going to need a bin, and that can be a plastic bin,  wooden box or a specially-designed worm bin like this Can-O-Worms.

Worms eat food scraps so the size of your bin is going to depend on how much food scraps you can generate within a week.

First of all collect as much scrap as you can, then you will need one square foot of surface area per pound ( 2.2 kg ) of food scraps. 

The depth of the bin should be about eight to twelve inches. Whatever kind of bin you use, make sure that there's holes in it because the worms need oxygen. 

If you're making your own worm bin make sure it's not sitting on the ground. It needs to be moved up away from the ground so that you can put a collection tray underneath. Using this Can-O-Worms bin is good because it  has its own built in collection tray. 

You can also use shredded newspaper, cardboard or coconut coir for bedding. You want to moisten your bedding.

Putting the scraps :- 

So the first thing is that you have to  put some newspaper so that  the bedding material won't fall through the little holes.

 Now you just want to start adding your bedding material about two-thirds of the way up to the top of the tray, make sure that it's nice and fluffy. 

Then you can add a little bit of builders sand or coffee grounds or something to give it a little bit of grit to help the worms digest.

Put your worm bin in a sheltered, shady area. Worms can tolerate temperatures between 40° and 80°but they do their best work between 55° and °75 degrees. 

Now your stuffing is ready to add beautiful little creatures, the worms.

You should note that the garden earthworm doesn't make a good compost.Worm composting is done by Brandling worms, European night crawlers and Red worms. The  Red worms prefer an aged compost or manure type of environment, regular earthworms from the garden won't survive in a worm bin.


To start a new worm bin get about a pound of composting worms, that's about a thousand worms. Spread them on the bedding and they should burrow in quickly to get away from the light. 

Start feeding your worms slowly, don't give them too much at once. Feed them about one to two times a week to begin with, if the food starts to stink before it is eaten back off on the feeding. Bury your food scraps an inch or so under the bedding changing location each time.

 Worms like all kinds of organic matter including tea bags and coffee, but there are some things that you shouldn't feed your worms. Anything that has insecticides on it, fresh manure or meat or dairy, and no spicy foods like garlic or onions. A little bit of citrus is ok but not alot. What and how much to feed worms ? is the most important point .

You want to  make sure that your worm bin stays moist and a good way to do that is put a moistened piece of burlap over your worms. As you water your worms to keep them nice and moist the water is going to penetrate through the worm castings and end up in a little collection tray here.

 After time goes by you'll be able to turn on this spigot on this Can-O-Worms bin and get a rich liquid fertilizer. Once the worms have consumed most of the bedding and the scraps you'll see it starts to look like a nice rich worm compost. 

Then it's time to create your next layer and this layer does not require any newspaper as a bottom layer it just requires some bedding material and some food scraps, and what's gonna happen is your worms are going to find their way up through these little holes and begin the process all over again. Then you can harvest the first tray of compost. The art of raising worms is called vermiculture. 

So this is the brief guide about the uses of the vermicompost. This will be the best way of making the organic compost for your farms. The earthworm not only makes good compost but they will also help in controlling the organic garbage from the kitchen.

So don't wait and start making your own vermicompost.


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